An environmental art project connecting conservation and community
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This re-mediated gravel pit in the Ducktrap River Preserve in Maine was the focus site of the Circadia project.

Artists Kathleen Florance and Dudley Zopp worked with Alternative Education students to create and manage an environmental installation.

Piloted by photographer Chris Pinchbeck, all of the Circadia students were treated to a "flyover" of the project site. The basics of aerial photography were presented to the students. The artist book that they created about the project was then donated to the Lincolnville Historical Society and will remain on display there.

This re-mediated gravel pit in the Ducktrap River Preserve in Maine was the focus site of the Circadia project.
CIRCADIA: from the Latin Circa Dies. The Circadia Project represents the recurrence of environmental, artistic and community cycles, not only day-by-day, but throughout the months and years of the project's life.